Love is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. God is not irritable, and Love keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT)
walk with Jesus Christ: This summer is unparalleled
Jenna came to Wildwood Summer Project (WWSP) as my fiance (she was my
interpreter for the summer of 2010 and 2011). As soon as we arrived
in Wildwood, tension rose between us. I did not want her to interpret
for me as I preferred that she only be my finacee, not an interpreter
nor the interpreter coordinator. Things became even more complicated
when she needed to interpret for any of the 5 Deaf students because I
refused to show affection if she reached for my hand while we were in
training sessions or in the presence of others. I thought it best to
maintain my role as staff or the Deaf interpreter at all times. Jenna
shared that my inflexibility was hurtful to her. We were able to turn
to some friends here on the project with our dilema. Through their
counsel, I was reminded that Jenna and I are a team. I was encouraged
to make our relationship of first priority, before any of the other
roles we have. I'm grateful for God's provision of life-giving
community here.
Dennis Josúe
the Father is my Boss:Dennis
is a Deaf youngman I met while serving Deaf people in Honduras last year. I learned
that he wants to become a pastor for the Deaf to share the Gospel –
reconciliation of a relationship with God through faith in the death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ
– in their heart language. As soon as I settled in Tulsa, I began
to consider who to recruit for WWSP. I thought, “Wildwood would be
a great place for Dennis to develop independence, gain leadership
skills, and ministry experience.” By God's power, with several
invitation letters from Americans who have a heart for the Deaf
community, Dennis obtained his visa from the Embassy. He has been
here in Wildwood for about 4 weeks, and I have been translating for
him from ASL to his native language - Honduran Sign Language (LESHO).
I am honored to be his Deaf interpreter because I can see the
understanding of the Gospel he is gaining is making visible changes
in his life gradually.
Spirit is my GPS:I have been teaching my group of three Deaf male students,
including Dennis, the importance of relyingon
the Spirit of God and not on our own strength, to live in a way that
honors God. Please pray that I will be reminded constantly to turn to
the Spirit along with His perfect wisdom to challenge these students
to become men after God's heart. Also, pray that the living expenses
in Wildwood, which cost about $2,000, will be covered by July 7th.
If you are interested in or able to support me, you may donate either
or write a check payable to Cru and send it to the following address:
Bú Perry c/o Campus Crusade for Christ 121 E. Maple Ave.
Wildwood, NJ 08260
walk with Jesus Christ:In
summer of 2010, I met an
interpreter named Jenna at
Wildwood Summer Project
(WWSP) in New Jersey. Two years later, in 2012, when I moved to
Honduras, we started dating in April. After dating her long distance
(she lives in Tulsa) for about 8 months, I moved back to the states
this past December. Three months later, I proposed, and she said yes!
We are now excited to work as a team here in Tulsa because we have
the same heart for Deaf people to experience an authentic
relationship with Jesus. We are still figuring what our goals are so
that we can utilize our talents and passions in the Deaf community.
Here in Tulsa, God provided a good paying temporary job, a free
bedroom, and a set of wheels. I'm so grateful for His provision.
the Father is my Boss:Jenna and I are trying to build a network
with those involved in the Deaf community across the United States in
hopes of finding supporters to continue to provide accessible Summer
Projects. We first went to California State University, Northridge
(CSUN). One of my memorable interactions was with a senior
Interpreting major, Diontay (pictured). He was very enthusiastic and
As I explained what Men's Time and discilpeship look like on Project,
he expressed that growing up without a father, he struggled with the
idea of having solid relationships with male peers. I was able to
encourage him that he is not alone, as I had a similar experience.
It's cool how God used my story to lead him closer to Himself. Jenna
and I will go to New Jersey again to continue investing in the lives
of young people,and
we look forward to what God has for us there.
Spirit is my GPS:This
summer I am planning to go back to WWSP to
continue investing in the lives of young people. In 2010, I was the
first Deaf student provided with an interpreter on the project.
Thereafter, I was equipped to lead Deaf Christian Club at Rochester
Institute of Technology. After graduation, I moved to my birth
country - Honduras - for one year. There, I applied the things I
learned from the project to the task of mentoring the Deaf youth. I
am forever
grateful for the foundation Cru, formerly called Campus Crusade for
Christ, helped lay for me to walk with Jesus for a lifetime. Please
pray that God will grant me wisdom to lead Deaf students in order to
encourage them to reach out to the next generation of the Deaf
community. Also, pray that my living expenses in Wildwood, which is
$2,000, will be provided. If you are interested in supporting me, you
may make an online at
or mail a check made out to Cru to the address below:
Bú Perry c/o Campus Crusade for Christ 121 E. Maple Ave.
Wildwood, NJ 08260
Hey guys. I want to share with you some of my experience with the Bible translation process. In fact, Bible Translation is the primary reason that I came to Honduras. You see, before coming to Honduras, I talked with the director of DOOR (Deaf Opportunity Outreach), and the he told me that there was a Bible Translation process already started in Honduras. He encouraged me to contact them to see if they would be interested in partnering with DOOR. I agreed to be a part of this endeavor.
Then, I moved to Honduras and made contact with the ministry here called "New Life Deaf Ministries" (NLDM).
NLDM has 3 different aspects to their ministry. They have an elementary school for Deaf children. They have a high school, which opened this year. Also, they have a church that is lead by 2 Deaf pastors. It's really a cool. I'll explain more about them, but first I want to talk about the Bible translation team.
When I first met the group of translators, they gave me a little background into how the process started, and how they've gotten to where they are now. Wow. It's so great! I felt so welcomed by this group of people. They were very friendly and inviting from the moment I showed up. They have allowed me to join their translation meetings, and I've been learning tons about the process. It's been super cool. I'm so thankful for this team, and the way they've welcomed me here in Tegucigalpa. They are sharing LESHO with me, and information about their culture. Their friendship has been an overwhelming blessing.
They have also been great about welcoming me into their discussion concerning a partnership with DOOR. We've talked much about this opportunity. We came to the agreement that Aura, who is the leader of the translation group and was born in Honduras (but raised in the states then moved back to Honduras) and I will travel to Africa in early April. We'll be going to Kenya to see how their translation process works and see if it will be a good fit for what has already been started in Honduras.We will also be meeting with the director to ask questions like: if we are to partner with DOOR what would that look like? what - if anything - would change in the process we have now? How are we going to benefit from their involvement, and how will they benefit from ours? We will be there for about 9 days.
After we check out the facility and spent time with the people there, we'll come back to Honduras and discuss the things we observed with the Bible translation team. Aura and I will give a report about how we felt while over there, and how we think we should proceed. And then we'll see how the Lord leads. ^.^
I'm really excited to go to Africa - it's really soon! I'll be leaving in just under 3 weeks.
Oh, about NLDM and their 3 ministries: the elementary school, high school and church. The elementary school has been running for some time now, but they are only in the first year of the high school. They just added a 7th grade class this year because last year they had their first 6th grade graduation. Some of the individuals on the Bible translation team are also teachers at this school. It's cool to see how they work together.
The third part of the ministry, the church, has 2 Deaf pastors. Manuel and Melvin do a wonderful job teaching those who come to the church. They take turns preaching. This Church has been a wonderful place for me - I already feel like I'm a part of the church family. I have such a good time chatting with the other members. They are willing to help me out when I make cultural mistakes and they are gracious as I'm still awkward at times and learning what norms are expected here in Honduras. I really can't say it enough, as they have been so welcoming and friendly in accepting me.They have been a God-send, for sure.
It has been really cool to see how God planned out all that's happened. God knew that I would be coming to Honduras to work at Amor en Accion, and to be a part of the Bible translation process, but He also knew who shall help me feel welcomed by the local Deaf community. He provided Christian friends as a support system for me here, and I'm so grateful that He did. I want to thank the Lord for all His perfect provision.
So, that's about it. I think that's all I have to say.. I will vlog again soon, next week hopefully. See ya!
I must apologize for not blogging recently. You see, back in February, I meant to upload a vlog, but things kept getting in my way. I am finally getting settled down here in Tegucigalpa - the capital city of Honduras. Since moving to Honduras in December, I got to spend some time with my mamá and papá. I am now at my aunt's place. She isn't charging me for using one of her bedrooms for the time I'm here - I'm so thankful to her. She also feeds me breakfast and dinner - which is super cool.
Most of you know that I've been working at a school called Amor en Accion (which is translated Love in Action). I've been teaching Spanish. I was supposed to teach math as well, but they decided that I can only teach Spanish. I wanted to teach Spanish anyway... so that's great. I've been teaching Spanish for the past three weeks now. It has been a challenge fo sho. I recently realized that I'm not only teaching Spanish, but I have to go back to the foundations of teaching language, which for these Deaf kids is LESHO. LESHO is the acronym for Honduran Sign Language - or more accurately translated " LEngua de Signos de HOnduras"
I've noticed that the 12 students in the 1st and 2nd grade (up to around age 12, and I'll classify them as the "younger students") don't have parents that use LESHO at home. Therefore, they tend to use basic gestures and home signs.
Before I can even teach them to read and write Spanish, I have to take a step back and start with teaching LESHO. Last week, I decided to buy a collection of short stories for children. I showed the kids the book, and I signed the story for them. They seemed to enjoy that. Then the next day, I took words from the book, and made them into dotted lines. This way, the kids could practice writing the words by tracing over them. I also drew some pictures that matched the story to make worksheets for the kids. The kids seemed really motivated by these color worksheets.
The classroom environment as a whole was much better too! When I tried to just teach them how to read and write Spanish, they would come up to me with all kinds of questions, and it was difficult to manage the learning environment. They would get frustrated or bored and simply refuse to do anything since they didn't understand. It was interesting to see the change in their attitudes since they are able to connect the story to the worksheets. I was amazed at how much better I felt too because it was like the peace of God fell on me. Of course, the girls and the boys still picked on each other - like all little kids do, but overall it was an improvement.
I also teach another group of the "older students" who are 18 and above (with about a 3rd grade reading level so far). They have a similar problem with the development of language. These older students are fluent in LESHO. However, if it comes to translating LESHO into Spanish, they are not able to perform that task. If, say, they needed to communicate with a hearing person - maybe they want to go to the mall, but they need to take a taxi to get there - how would they navigate that situation? Or if there was an emergency, how would they be able to convey what happened to those who came to help? I tried to explain these different situations to the older students, but they still are having a difficult time grasping the concept of "needing to learn Spanish to communicate with hearing people." They have yet to realize that LESHO is only for Deaf people, and they need to use Spanish with hearing people. I've been trying to figure out how better to explain this concept to them, but I've not yet found the solution. LESHO is a beautiful language, used among Deaf Hondurans. I am in full support of this language. However, I'm struggling to help them understand that with hearing people, you have to add "filler words" and learn the grammatical rules of Spanish to be able to communicate with them.
My experience teaching thus far has been an amazing, eye-opening time for me. I really need your prayers that God would give me the discipline to use my time wisely to plan for my lessons (and not be distracted by FB or surfing the web). I want to take advantage of the time he gives me. I desire that "whatever I do, to work at it with all my heart, as working for the Lord and not for men." I want to raise up these deaf students to be the leaders of the future Deaf generation here in Honduras.
I also ask that you would pray with me; that I would have a compassionate heart. I feel like I came to Amor en Acción as a "Revolutionist" - with the mindset that I could take what I knew from the American education system for the Deaf to "save the day" by revolutionizing their system. However, I was humbly reminded by someone, that revolutions do not begin with men alone, but only by the Bible. The wisdom from the Bible transform people, which will eventually improve the system. I have to remember that I can't just come in and change everything. I'm new here - I just "joined the party" so to say. Thus I need to be humble and compassionate. When I am asked to do things, or make changes - I need to evaluate the situation first, and ask God for His grace to know how to proceed. My prayer is to offer others His love first, and to follow it with grace, and a gentle spirit - Oh, and patience. Would you mind joining me in this prayer.
That's all. I am going to try to start blogging weekly about the most significant lesson of the previous week. Thanks for watching. Alright. Take care!^.^
...November ate all of my time...ya redució el tiempo de noviembre...and December is eating my time...faster...y ya redució más rápido el tiempo de diciembre...
The highlight of November was visiting my adopted family in California...lo mejor tiempo que pasé el mes anterior fue el viaje a California para visitar a mi familia adoptiva...
I also got to see my friends at Rochester Institute of Technology, from which I graduated, one more time in the beginning of December...también, vi a los amigos en Instituto Tecnología de Rochester, donde ya me graudé, en el principio de diciembre...
I gave my thanks to God for giving me time to be with my family and my friends =]...di las gracias a Dios para permitirme a pasar el tiempo con mi familia y mis amigos =]
In only four days, I will be catching a plane to Honduras...estaré en el vuelo para Honduras dentro de cuatro días...there, I will party with mi familia de mi papá for Christmas and New Year...voy a celebrar la navidad y el año nuevo con mi familia de mi papá...
When the year of 2012 finally rings...cuando viene el año de 2012...I do not exactly have any todavía supiere que plan que voy a least, at this moment......pues, no sé ahorita...
However, that's what I have learned lately...sin embargo, es que he present my request before my Everlasting Father of my desire to be led for the rest of the day, rather than for the rest of this month, even next day...que debo presentar mis deseos a Padre Eterno para llevarme todo el día, no todo el mes, aun el siguiente día...
Whatever the Lord has led me to accomplish anything for this day, my life will simply lift His name que cuando me lleva el Señor para lograr lo que necesita hacer cada día, mi vida puede alzar Su nombre más alto...because He leads me to pour out my energy, time, faith, and love in order to affect those people around me eternally...porque me hace Dios invertir mi energía, tiempo, fe, y amor para que lo que haga afectar a los que son en mi vida para siempre... todos modos...the only main concern for me is to sell my car, but He has given me two cool friends who will help me with car...que debo hacer antes de que salgo para Honduras es vender mi carro, pero ya me dió Dios los amigos cool que me ayudarán vender el carro...
I knew the Almighty Lord will provide, but I am always amazed at how perfect is His provision for my needs...ya sé que el Señor Todopoderoso puede proporcionar lo que necesito, pero siempre me asombra la provision es perfecto
"In God we trust" on a dollar does not mean nothing after all...aquí en EE.UU, en el billete, se dice "En Dios tenemos confianza"...por eso, no lo pone para nada...
I already received $150 for the support during my service of the que ya recibí $150 como donación para trabajar en Honduras y África...and there will be two more checks coming in!...y ¡Estan viniendo más cheques!
God can surpass the power of money...Dios tiene más poder que el poder del dinero...that's fo sho'!......¡Estoy seguro de esto!
That will be all...for todo...hasta luego...
Ya veremos si les gusta este blog que tiene tres lenguages - signo americano, inglés, y español
We shall see if we will like this blog that consists of three languages - American Sign Language, English, and Spanish
finally! ¡por fin! Mike Buus the director ofDOORreplied! ¡Mike Buss que el directivo de la organización DOOR contestó!
dumfounded...nos embebecemos...yes, Beth, Alissa, and I were dumbfounded...ya Beth, Alissa, y yo estabamos sin habla...
¿por qué? why? Pues, quiso Mike que yo trajera el equipo de 4 hondureños sordos a África para la formación Mike wanted me to bring a team of 4 deaf Hondurans to Africa for the training...
also, Mike wanted us to stay there for 5 years también, Mike quiso que nos quedáramos en África por 5 años
O.O ¿5 años? 0.o 5 years? o.O
God has dream, only bigger than I could ever imagine! ¡Qué sueño más grande tenga Dios!
por eso, estaré de 7 meses en Honduras para buscar cuatro hondureños cristianos sordos lideres, que podrían viajar conmigo en El Sueño Grande I will be in Honduras for 7 months looking for four Deaf Honduran Christian leaders who may join me on the journey of the Big Dream
in July, I will be going to Africa for 6-month training to be equipped facilitator of my team luego, cuando el julio viene, salgo para una formación de 6 meses en África para que este yo listo para llevar mi equipo
quiso Mike que regresara a Honduras con los lideres de DOOR para seleccionar los lideres hondureños y llevarlos a África Mike wanted me to return to Honduras with DOOR leaders to select the leaders among Hondurans and bring them to Africa
it's likely that we will start the offical training in January 2013 ^.^ es posible que comencemos la formación oficial el enero de 2013 ^.^
ya necesito vendar lo que no necesito y quiero llevar conmigo a Honduras I'm going to sell whatever I no longer need or do not want to bring it with me to Honduras
to-do list las tareas
vender el carro sell my car
sell my books vender los libros
la ropa se regalado clothes will be given away
furniture giving away as well también los muebles se regalados
iPhone 4 se vende iPhone 4 for sale
y má on...
no creo que sea tan difícil dejar lo que me gusta mucho como la ropa y la tecnología I couldn't believe how it is difficult to let things go...especially clothes and technology
I had considered about buying iPod, iPad, or a new computer...había pensado en comprar iPod, iPad, o computador portátil
Dios me recordó que el dinero no es mío...God reminded me that money is not even is His
please pray for me that I will be able to let go of things of the world to be able to serve the Lord favor de orarme que deja las cosas del mundo para servir el Señor mejor...
también, necesito el oración para la sabiduría porque hay muchas decisiones debo tomar antes de que salga de EE.UU. also, a prayer is needed because I will need wisdom in the decision-making process related to moving out
Thank you for reading and keep watching for the new post! ¡Gracias por leer y hasta luego!
It's about time that I post something on this blog =P
I wanted to share know, you might think that last blog (internship) was the last post
I actually have something of which you may not be aware...
You see, this whole thing started this past spring
At that time, I decided to give up my dream to God...
My dream was to start a ministry in Honduras for Deaf people...
I had three goals in this ministry:
1) Gospel...that is, they will understand the Gospel thoroughly and clearly...
2) Education...they will be taught how to read and write, so that they can function independently through written methods with hearing people...even read the Bible on their own...
3) Basic provide whatever they need such as food, clothing, shelter...
Those goals in my dream ministry...and I laid it before was difficult for fact, I cried...
All of a sudden, soon after returning to Florida from Honduras, I discovered that God has given me the bigger dream...
The Big Dream has six goals, which consists of the same goals I mentioned above in addition to the following:
1) Raising leaders in the Deaf equip Honduran leaders to lead deaf Hondurans
2) Residence...that is, deaf Honduran may learn academic subjects and stay eliminate the transportation...
3) Employment opportunities for Deaf enable them to earn steady salary to support themselves, this is even bigger than my original dream...I now realized the importance of surrendering your dream to God...and that you will be given the Big Dream
You may recall from previous blog regarding the ministry called Links of Hope (LoH)...I joined LoH on the trip to Honduras last July... happened that LoH has a personal contact with the directors of D.O.O.R.
Are you familiar with DOOR?
If not, then go ahead and check out the following link:
You see, the mission of this organization (you could say it's a ministry) is to establish a center that focus on Bible translation in each of the continent. The center will train Deaf people to translate the Bible into their own sign language rather than teaching them American Sign Language in order to understand the Bible.
For example, there are centers in India and Kenya, Africa. So, DOOR's mission is actually awesome.
Now, Beth, who is the founder and leader of LoH, has personal contact with DOOR directors...
DOOR directors looked for someone who was familiar with making bracelets...and LoH's mission is to train women who live in the third-world countries in making order to make an income to support their families by selling the bracelets...
It was totally the plan of see, the DOOR directors came to Beth's church to give a talk about their organization, and Beth came to listen...
There, Beth and the directors made a connection...
Beth did teach one of the directors how to make a bracelets, and the directors returned to Africa to teach Deaf African women...
These Deaf women were supposed to make 50 bracelets, which would be sent to Beth...that way, Beth will signal to them whether or not they did it correctly...before these women make 500 bracelets BY CHRISTMAS!
I think that's neat that these women are able to provide themselves some financial support
However, I don't know what's the status of this process...
Furthermore, DOOR is now looking to Latin America to launch a satellite of Bible translation...Beth was informed of this...
Beth thought of me since I am relatively fluent in ASL, English, Honduran Sign Language (Lesho), and Spanish...
I have the ability to teach and leadership skill...
Oh, and I have linguistic skill as well...
It seemed that I'm qualified enough to be trained over there in acquire of their philosophy and system of the centers...
When I become familiar with how DOOR may run, I might be able to go back to Honduras...even to a different country in Latin launch the center there...
So...this is really awesome...
Yo use, only a week ago or so...I turned in my biography and resume to Beth and then Beth completed the cover letter...
She submitted these materials in addition to a Honduran video she created and another video about me through Campus Crusade for Christ
She submitted them to the directors on the day they left for their vacation!
Fortunately, they did respond and indicated that they are quite interested in discussing this...but they need they will resume this upon arrival from the vacation
The directors even forwarded the materials, which Beth sent, to some Deaf people in Africa...and a particular Deaf person responded that she or he had goose bumps when seeing one of the videos...
That is cool!
Going to Africa wasn't part of my original dream, but is part of God's will.
In fact, I used to dream to go to Africa just to see what it was like there and to bring my influence on Deaf people over know Africa has many needs...
For me, going to Africa has twofold purpose...first, to travel and, second, to make an impact on Africans...
At this moment, I'm currently waiting to hear from the is really up to the directors regards with the length of being trained over there and date of departure...
I am really anxious to know what might happen...
God is always wonderful...I encourage you to keep pursuing seek His face...God will bless you for earnestly seeking Him...
Also, you will discover His will that match your passions for something in the life...