Friday, December 5, 2008

1st week of Winter Quarter


I just got in my dorm from meeting with Hispanic Deaf Club advisors...

I just ended my first academic week at 2 o'clock...

Overall, my first week academic isn't as bad as I thought =)

It's getting colder and colder at the end of this week as well...

I started to wear a brown leather my mom bought me when I was in sophomore just before Christmas...

I remember that day she surprised me that gift because she knew that I have always wanted to have a brown, leather jacket...

One day, I arrived home from school and my mom popped into my bedroom...and BAM!

Behold the Levi's brown leather jacket...

and it is useful to this day especially is pretty strong wind and it is fricking cold outside...

My body is warm as if I am in Hawaii because of that jacket!

Ah, my hair is getting longer and longer...

I found it a bit easier to fix my hair if I don't have time to shower...see picture below...

Notice that I have snow cap on?? I still look good with that...and it makes me a bit more hippie hahaha

Yes, I love hippie stuff for some reason...I just find attraction in hippie stuff...ignore sexual and drug stuff...I'm HIPPIE CHRISTIAN!

In fact, I happened to find a group on Facebook called Hippie Christian!!! Whooo!!!

Tonight at 7pm, I will go to Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) and I'm looking forward to it...the topic the cool pastor will talk about is God's perspective on lost people...

Last night, I was at CCC servant team and was given a may notice that I wear it right now in the picture above...

Here are pictures of my shirt...



Last quarter, theme of CCC was real was awesome...

This quarter, we will do the theme called real love might wanna know what's up with my academic life...

I have one course on Mondays and Wednesdays, which is Data Analysis I at 2pm to 4pm...

That course is required for EVERYONE regardless of their majors...

I found out that more and more colleges required students to take at least statistics course...

Unfortunately, we are required to take TWO statistics quarter, I will take Data Analysis 2...

on Tuesdays, I have Humanistic Psychology at 10am to noon, Spanish 2 at noon to 2pm, and then Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology at 2pm to 4pm...

on Thursdays, it is similar to Tuesday schedule except that Spanish 2 moves to Friday at the same time...

About Humanistic Psychology, it is discipline where you don't use scientific approach with finding the problem individuals have and you help individuals to reach their highest potential...

About I/O Psychology, it is about how to improve the workplace for human beings with psychology perspective...

These two courses are interesting...I like professor of I/O Psychology because he has a sense of is important for me to have a sense of humor in any setting...

Humanistic Psychology is very interesting course because the professor is open to discussion with among students...

Anyway, I should stop typing because I wanna do homework before going to CCC at 7pm!

So, you guys take care!

Love you all!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Day Before Winter Quarter

Hey hey hey!!!

I was bored and decided to straighten my hair once again...

Surprisingly, it is longer than last time!!!

I love it!!! So does everyone who saw me around here on campus =P

Here are some pictures of me...

<-- pop art <--color of temperature... <-- sepia

Note how my 'frontal' hair goes to my nose and back hair goes to my neck???

Anyway, I'm going to try to update you guys with my academic life, including sharing my trip about Honduras during second week of Christmas break...

I'm gonna get some sleep before getting up to run with my friend at 10am (there are some snow here tonight, and most of the time, it rains...)

Tomorrow, my first class starts at 2pm

It is Industrial/Organizational Psychology

I'm looking forward to it because I will see some of my friends there!!!

So, I will talk to you later okay?



Monday, October 6, 2008

Midterm + sick = curse

...I'm sick...

It all began with swollen I felt inside my throat on Monday night after Hispanic Deaf Club...

Eventually, it became unbearable to swallow food...

sore throat began on Tuesday...all day...I cannot eat pineapple so I threw it out...

Basically, I get the point where my nose bled just a minute ago...

I had three midterm this week and I don't get much of rest as much as I should...

So, I will catch up this weekend to sleep more so that I can recover faster =/

I might miss Spanish class tomorrow, which is only one course I have on Friday...

I better get rest...first type Spanish homework and email it to my teacher...

Oh, FYI, I didn't create new post last week because I left on Friday to Christian retreat...

There are in total close to 300 people in total from the city of Rochester, Syracuse, etc...within CCC groups...

10 deaf people in total...

I totally love's loooot of fun!!!

lemme show you pictures below...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Alan's questions


It's Friday! Whooo!

Today is awesome day! I slept in until 10am, read the Bible, and prayed. Also, I ate Special K cereal (that's one of my favorite cereal).

You may wonder why do I eat that cereal? For two reasons, my mom bought it during the summer and I am not too all about other cereals. So, I decide to try take a taste of it and BAM! It's like sooooo goood!!!!! In fact, my roommate and I eat Special K!

Anyway, I took time to change my clothes and then headed for Spanish course.

That was only course on Friday, and I love that course! We reviewed some Spanish words and then watched a video!

The video was Destinos, and most of time, people spoke in Spanish rapidly. I understand some so far, but I love it!

I ate some kind weird yogurt called profrait or something, banana (of course!), and pieces of pineapples.

I went back to my dorm to wait for Nadia to call me via VP (videophone), and she was like ten minutes late calling me.

We talked for about an hour before I typed this blog.

Relaxing day for me...jealous huh?? Hahaha

I received email from Alan, and I decide to reveal some of it with my answers to his questions.

Blue is Alan's words and Red is my words, okay?

You have a class called core glutes and abs? I hope you get useful credits for this.
Yes, I'm taking it for 50 minutes twice weekly. We are required to take two wellness/fitness courses to graduate for bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, all wellness/fitness courses are zero credit; however, they are fun! I stay in good shape!

Are there any written tests in this course? You should be taking 18 credits if this course counts for credits, not 16.
I don't think so! I took 17 credits during spring quarter plus zero credit for running course. It's too much! That's why RIT has policy for students to have credit in the range of 12 to 18 credits because RIT is aware of how taking more than 18 credits can cause "burn out" among students.

From my experience during spring quarter, it was pretty stressful, but I managed it. It's actually worth it because in the end, I get scholarship!

Also, I'm leading a group called DIG, which stands for Deaf Investigate God, and holding a position of Vice President for Hispanic Deaf Club (HDC). I'm involved in Deaf Bible Study, Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), and CCC servant team. So, taking 16 credits is stressful already. Hahah.

How many people to one dorm room? It looks like 4?
Yes, I am one of these four roommates. Daniel, Eric, and Heath are my roommates. Daniel and Eric are from Texas, but in different city. Heath is from Nebraska. All of us are Christian =D.

Unfortunately, I am planning on moving out because I don't really like being in room with three people. Haha.

Wow you sure made a BIG change to your major. Do your first year courses count for this new major? Are you losing any of those credits?
Unfortunately, not all first year courses are count for my new major because not all of them are relevant to my major, you know? However, there are some courses that I have to take anyway. For example, I'm taking foundation of sociology, intro to psychology, three Calculus courses, etc and these courses are what ALL RIT students are required to take to graduate. Basically, it is general education liberal arts requirement, you know? FYI, I just need one more liberal art course to complete that lower division general education requirement!

Why did you choose psychology?
Well, I think it's fun. That's why I wanna change to that major. No, I'm kidding. The real reason is that I thought I will enjoy playing with numbers (which is Applied Math as my current major) for next few years so that I can gain knowledge about advanced math to get degree and then teach math classes. As last year passed away, my motivation to go to Calculus course and do math homework has decreased gradually. I was more excited and looking forward to attend liberal course such as foudnation of sociology, intro to psychology. Plus, I love to help people with their personal issues and to see them getting better. There aren't as many as deaf counselor as you think; therefore, there is in high demand for deaf counselor. Having interpreter for hearing counselor isn't the same thing as having deaf counselor, you know? I also wanna know what's up with inside people's mind, so that I will be able to help them get through. I even think about doing ministry for deaf people. Yes, Christian ministry.

You sure seem to be drawn to religion. Is this a widely admired subject at RIT?
I wish RIT respect Christian a bit more, but RIT has nothing to do with religion. RIT just respect everyone's religious belief and have a place where people can meet for religious purpose. That place is called Interfaith Center, which is at least 10 minutes walking length from my dorm.

There are at least five religion organizations here on campus, which are CCC, IVCF (InterVaristy Christian Fellowship), AGAPE (I doubt it's actually Christian because I researched on that organization and it seems to be so fake), BASIC (another yet small group of Christian). IVCF is well-known and CCC comes in second.

<--- That's that =P

Is there any specific segment of Christianity you are interested in more than others?
I am not sure what you mean by that...

Hasta Luego Muchacho! Alan

I think that's enough for this post because it is pretty long! Anyway, should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, just email me! Oh! I'm planning on going to CCC's retreat in Upstate New York next weekend as I went there last year and I'm excited! Anyway, you guys have a great weekend! I love you all! You are in my prayer as always! Love, Auzy

Friday, September 12, 2008

iApplefest and more...


I have at least 20 minutes before meeting my friends to go to Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) meeting...

I just came from Happy Pulse Hour, which is a place for all deaf students to social and get involved in deaf clubs every two weeks.

Today, I had one sweet is that?! Plus, I have one course on Thursdays as well!

Hahaha, today, I went to Spanish course and I love that course!

Since I already knew some of Spanish words, I was able to talk with my friends who sit next to me about Spanish stuff...

I was shocked to find that some of Spanish students don't know "thank you" in Spanish!!!

FYI, when I'm speaking of Spanish course, it's all deaf students classroom with a teacher who knows sign language.


After Spanish class, I went to SDC, Student Development Common, to eat lunch...

and then I went to HDC (Hispanic Deaf Club) to get stuff to set up on the tables for Happy Pulse Hour...

I wish I took picture of what it looked today...

I think my table was pretty popular because we created paper flowers in Mexican style...and welcome anyone at that place to create by themselves with some help...

By end of the Happy Pulse Hour, I see most of girls and some of guys have those Mexican flowers...

it was cool...

Also, I bought Axe bodyspray and a cologne called Fierce so that they can be sprayed onto those flowers...

People like that ideas =)

So, HDC executive of boards decide to do that once a month as it is pretty popular!

Here is what our table looked like when it is set up, but it is beginning setting up though...

There are pinata parrot, Mexican soda bottle, mini-statues of parrots, and's cool

What I mentioned above is similar to iApplefest on first Friday of the fall quarter...

The only difference is that iApplefest comes with more music, more people, and is outdoor. Also, it's once a year...

Hmmm...last Sunday, I went to a church called Victory and its type is Baptist...

CCC provided Church tour...I didn't do that last year, but my friends and I attended to this church called Browncroft Community Church (BCC)...

It's well known church in Rochester and it's also megachurch haha

Interperter services at BCC are excellent...

At Victory, it is not as great as BCC...

This Sunday, I will go with some of my friends to church called Father's House...and I heard lot of good stuff about that church...

So far, BCC is the best...

Oh...also, last Sunday, a day before last day to add and drop course, I dropped abnormal psychology because I don't like the professor...

I don't want to take 8am course, but I don't mind if it's 10am or afterward...

Unfortunately, I have no choice but to drop 10am abnormal psychology course to take 8am social psychology...

I looked at and I saw nothing negative about the teacher of social psychology...

So, I decided to replace social psychology course with abnormal psychology...

I made a good decision! help me!!! Although I don't like to get up early for morning course, I like the teacher! She's so clear and cool lady!

Oh! I am planning on leading a group called DIG, Deaf Investigate God, for the first time this Monday at 6pm...

Would you guys do me a favor? Praying for me that first DIG meeting will do great =)

Hmmmm...I think that's all...

Oh actually, a week before school started, my friend's mom took her daughter, me, and my friend out to dinner at a fancy mall called Eastview for a dinner at a Chinese restaurant called P.F. Cheng...

The reason of this is because we celebrated my friend's birthday!

It's simply delicious place to eat! It's expensive though!

here are pictures I took over there...

P.F. Cheng entrance

Birthday girl

outside...nice huh?

Okay, I think that's enough for you guys to read this post...

I gotta go anyway

I'm going to CCC meeting whooo!

Have fun!

Love you all,


Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day of School


Today is first day of school, and it is awesome!!!

I got up at 8:30am and then left dorm an hour later to Calculus C (15 minutes to walk).

I was totally not happy to be in that course because I am fed up with numbers!!!

Fortunately, that course only last for forty minutes. I got out and ran to my counselor's office.

I explained to her the situation that I am not happy to be in that course and that I want to drop that course.

She said I can since I am going to change my major to psychology anyway.

I spoke with psychology counselor last year that I only need to take two Algebra courses to complete part of psychology requirements, and I already took three Calculus courses!

I immediately ran to computer room to drop Calculus! It is the best thing I could have done during the first day of school! I really feel good about this!

Anyway, I decided to drop all courses I signed up before last school year ended!!

Imagine that!

Fortunately, I managed to find psychology courses that are part of requirements of psychology degree program.

I went from zero credit to 16 credit! 16 credits is perfect for me!

I'm so excited!

However, after signing up for all new courses, I realized it is 11:30am already!

I have half an hour to run to Social Psychology of Religion (you know I'm Jesus Freak! haha) classroom.

Ohhh mann! I love that course! I talked about salvation, abortion, and morals!!! It's sooo interesting course!!

There are at least three atheists, two agnostics, and several who are practicing any kind of religion (Muslim, Buddha, Christian, Catholic, etc).

I taught two interpreters in that course some religion signs as they are not very familiar with religion signs.

My friend wanted me to go to bookstore with him after that religion course, and I went to Barnes and Nobles (which is just opened this fall, and it's soooo nice! It even has Starbucks where I can go there for hot drink during winter!).

I bought bookends and a book that is required for Social Psychology of Religion. It's called Extraordinary Groups =)


After buying those things, my friend and I were waiting in front of B&N for the RIT bus to bring us back to campus...

Fortunately, we saw a friend who went to Thailand for six months and he gave us ride back to our dorm. Whoo! I hate bus! Bus always took forever to get us back to dorm because of stupid apartments students need to go.

Anyway, when I returned to my dorm, I realized that I missed a course (Wellness for Life, which is required for all RIT students to graduate with that passed course).

I have a good excuse though! Recalling that I last-minute enroll myself in 5 new courses that I didn't have time to follow the schedule.

It's first week, I am sure teacher will excuse me =D

Anyway, here is the schedule of my academic.

That is not all though!

I still want to run on my own, find time to lead groups for deaf people who have questions about God and Jesus (GIG, group investigate God), have tentative upcoming Hispanic Deaf Club meeting for this academic year, and find meal time.

That's all for today =D

I haven't eat lunch, but I better wait for two hours before dinnertime to save money!

I will talk to you later!



Friday, August 29, 2008



I'm trying to blog so that you guys can be update with my life here at RIT...

I have Facebook, and I use it pretty often...

However, some of you (like old-fashioned 'rents) don't have Facebook...

Anyway, I want to start with the day I flew and moved in...

From my experience on flight during first year at RIT, it was usually looong and unbearable...

It's unbearable because I have skinny butt that it would kill me if I sit too long...

I mean, I'm pretty sure you know I'm skinny, so I do have skinny butt ;-)

Fortunately, this time, from Burbank to JFK (an airport in NYC), it was pretty fast for me...

I bought two magazines before getting on the airplane...

I bought Reader's Digest (I love that magazine since I was young!) and MacWorld (Duh, I love Apple!)...

So, I read both of these magazines and then BAM! I landed!

WOW! It's like two to three hours, but it was actually at least five hours long flight!

I got off the plane, and I found out that I have two hours before getting on another flight from JFK to Rochester...

That's why I love Jetblue because they provide free wireless internet at the airport!

So, I pulled out my Ax (that's the name for my MacBook...yes I'm that crazy) and used it right away...

I was facebooking, emailing, and imming for an hour...

I went to the gate to check if they are going to Rochester, but then I saw the sign said that gate will go to Orlando...

I was like hmmm, okay I better check...

It was long before I was able to speak with a guy at the table...

Unsurprisingly, the gate changed and I didn't know (keep in mind that I'm deaf)...

So, I decide next time, when I get airplane ticket, I will try to remember to set text messaging alerts whenever my flight changed...

Anyway, it was twenty minutes before my flight will take off!

I have to run down the hall and then go on a shuttle to Gate 20...

I ran down with my mom's old carry-on with rollers (I'm so happy that my mum found it a day before I left!!)

Whew...I got on the airplane five minutes before it left!!

However, when it was on the runway, I sat in that airplane for at least 40 minutes before I finally took off...

It was short travel because it took about an hour...

Finally, I arrived at Rochester airport!!! I was so excited!!

Unfortunately, some of people on the airplane took forever to get off...

So, I text some of my friends to see if they can give me ride from the airport to RIT...

Unfortunately, at least four friends of mine cannot give me a ride...what kind friends are they?!

Anyway, I have to take cab by myself for the first time...

It was not fun at all!

I have to communicate with the driver somehow that I need to go to RIT at specific dorm named Sol Huemann...

I managed to have my driver understand where to go with my RIT ID =D

Here I was behind the driver in the cab...

Anyway, I got there and I have RA (Resident Assistant) let me into my dorm since I don't have key with me.

So, here are the pictures of dorm when I first enter...

I soon decided to snap a picture of myself in the mirror so that you can see what I look like when I move in (hahaha, I'm weird huh??)

okay, that's all for today...

Actually, I want to say something...

My back and neck is in pain!!! I think it's cuz of stupid, rock-like bed!!!

I actually jumped and ran to all my friends whenever I saw them...

and then, of course, hugged them!!!

One of my friends (because of our inside joke), I screamed, "DAWWWG!!!" and hugged her like crazy!


For last two days, I've been unpacking and I'm almost done...

I will try to remember to take picture of clean dorm...

So, it's late right now...

Once again, I will try to update this blog website

Have a good night!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Move On

There was a time where I felt like my life wasn't in order just because of "messed-up" friendship...

I was in the middle of a battle between friends where I had to come to make a choice which side I am supposed to support...

Also, it was around the time where I came to the point where I caught a glimpse of hope in the future for my friends (Nevertheless, it was false hope)...

So, I wrote a poem.

It's called Move On...

Move on

October 13, 2007

Tears streak its way down your cheek
Sigh is only thing you could do...
You just witness the powerful destruction
The one that wash violently and torn apart Wash and torn your life away
You stand in mist of your mess of your life
You pause and turn your head to side
You see the most peaceful place ever
You walk and walk
Finally, you reach the most beautiful place
You just sigh and sit
Sit on the grass
By the grass, there is a pond
A pond filled with Japanese fish
Fish swim in joyful by the falling water
Pure, fresh falling's waterfall
Sit there forever...
Forever For-ever
Now grass grows tall and taller
It grows tall until above me
Above me and continue grows
I look up and see beyond the sky
I see something that has awaiting for me
Oh, one longest sigh is only thing I could do
I curl like a cat would curls in comfort
I curl and drift into sleep
Sleep is the only thing that wash pain away
Away for temporary, that is until I wake up
One day...
A hand reaches for me...
A hand before my eyes and I wait
I wait for a moment
A moment becomes two minutes
Two minutes turn into 2 hours
2 hours suddenly seem to be an eternal
I reach for it desperately
A hand pulls me out of tall grass
Out of tall grass that choke me
Choke me and my life
Here I am...
Long-lost dreamer
Now, I am move on
Move on with my life
Therefore, I now look for what has awaiting
Awaiting for me...
I knew where to look for
I run and scoop one among the stars
The brightest of all
I have it in my both enclosed hands
I have it close to my heart and embrace
Embrace for a moment before put away
Before put away into leather pouch
Now, I'm ready to live a dream living
That is what awaiting for me...
For me to make a dream comes true


Saturday, June 28, 2008



How you guys are doing with your life so far??

Since I am addicted to computer, I should do something to let you guys get involved in my life a little...

Well, I thought why not share my thoughts and some of my writings with you guys?

So, I chose Blogger as my blog website!

FYI, Blogger was bought by Google and I love Google for its service.

Google has everything, including documents, maps, video!

I am a fan of Google =P

Anyway, I am sure most of you guys are too busy to check my blog to see if there is any new blog and I want to make it easier for you guys.

Ever you heard of Reader or RSS? RSS stands for Really Simple Sync, and Reader means basically something that is readable, you know?

Reader (or RSS) is a website that you can suscribe to anything that is update all the time, and something that is update automically goes to that reader website.

That way you save your time by reading update information from several websites in a place instead of going to several website and check out whether there is anything new.

Let me give you an example, if you want to update yourself with the world and are a fan of sport, you can go to TIME and CNN Sports website and subscribe them to Google Reader.

You can simply go to Google Reader next day to see what's up with the world and sports in a place!

If you want to subscribe to my blog, go all the way to the bottom of this page and click "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)".

Come back soon to check out my new blog!

I might post a poem that I wrote it a few years ago...

Have a nice day!
