It's Friday! Whooo!
Today is awesome day! I slept in until 10am, read the Bible, and prayed. Also, I ate Special K cereal (that's one of my favorite cereal).
You may wonder why do I eat that cereal? For two reasons, my mom bought it during the summer and I am not too all about other cereals. So, I decide to try take a taste of it and BAM! It's like sooooo goood!!!!! In fact, my roommate and I eat Special K!
Anyway, I took time to change my clothes and then headed for Spanish course.
That was only course on Friday, and I love that course! We reviewed some Spanish words and then watched a video!
The video was Destinos, and most of time, people spoke in Spanish rapidly. I understand some so far, but I love it!
I ate some kind weird yogurt called profrait or something, banana (of course!), and pieces of pineapples.
I went back to my dorm to wait for Nadia to call me via VP (videophone), and she was like ten minutes late calling me.
We talked for about an hour before I typed this blog.
Relaxing day for me...jealous huh?? Hahaha
I received email from Alan, and I decide to reveal some of it with my answers to his questions.
Blue is Alan's words and Red is my words, okay?
You have a class called core glutes and abs? I hope you get useful credits for this.
Yes, I'm taking it for 50 minutes twice weekly. We are required to take two wellness/fitness courses to graduate for bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, all wellness/fitness courses are zero credit; however, they are fun! I stay in good shape!
Are there any written tests in this course? You should be taking 18 credits if this course counts for credits, not 16.
I don't think so! I took 17 credits during spring quarter plus zero credit for running course. It's too much! That's why RIT has policy for students to have credit in the range of 12 to 18 credits because RIT is aware of how taking more than 18 credits can cause "burn out" among students.
From my experience during spring quarter, it was pretty stressful, but I managed it. It's actually worth it because in the end, I get scholarship!
Also, I'm leading a group called DIG, which stands for Deaf Investigate God, and holding a position of Vice President for Hispanic Deaf Club (HDC). I'm involved in Deaf Bible Study, Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), and CCC servant team. So, taking 16 credits is stressful already. Hahah.
How many people to one dorm room? It looks like 4?
Yes, I am one of these four roommates. Daniel, Eric, and Heath are my roommates. Daniel and Eric are from Texas, but in different city. Heath is from Nebraska. All of us are Christian =D.
Unfortunately, I am planning on moving out because I don't really like being in room with three people. Haha.
Wow you sure made a BIG change to your major. Do your first year courses count for this new major? Are you losing any of those credits?
Unfortunately, not all first year courses are count for my new major because not all of them are relevant to my major, you know? However, there are some courses that I have to take anyway. For example, I'm taking foundation of sociology, intro to psychology, three Calculus courses, etc and these courses are what ALL RIT students are required to take to graduate. Basically, it is general education liberal arts requirement, you know? FYI, I just need one more liberal art course to complete that lower division general education requirement!
Why did you choose psychology?
Well, I think it's fun. That's why I wanna change to that major. No, I'm kidding. The real reason is that I thought I will enjoy playing with numbers (which is Applied Math as my current major) for next few years so that I can gain knowledge about advanced math to get degree and then teach math classes. As last year passed away, my motivation to go to Calculus course and do math homework has decreased gradually. I was more excited and looking forward to attend liberal course such as foudnation of sociology, intro to psychology. Plus, I love to help people with their personal issues and to see them getting better. There aren't as many as deaf counselor as you think; therefore, there is in high demand for deaf counselor. Having interpreter for hearing counselor isn't the same thing as having deaf counselor, you know? I also wanna know what's up with inside people's mind, so that I will be able to help them get through. I even think about doing ministry for deaf people. Yes, Christian ministry.
You sure seem to be drawn to religion. Is this a widely admired subject at RIT?
I wish RIT respect Christian a bit more, but RIT has nothing to do with religion. RIT just respect everyone's religious belief and have a place where people can meet for religious purpose. That place is called Interfaith Center, which is at least 10 minutes walking length from my dorm.
There are at least five religion organizations here on campus, which are CCC, IVCF (InterVaristy Christian Fellowship), AGAPE (I doubt it's actually Christian because I researched on that organization and it seems to be so fake), BASIC (another yet small group of Christian). IVCF is well-known and CCC comes in second.

Is there any specific segment of Christianity you are interested in more than others?
I am not sure what you mean by that...
Hasta Luego Muchacho! Alan
I think that's enough for this post because it is pretty long! Anyway, should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, just email me! Oh! I'm planning on going to CCC's retreat in Upstate New York next weekend as I went there last year and I'm excited! Anyway, you guys have a great weekend! I love you all! You are in my prayer as always! Love, Auzy
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