I have at least 20 minutes before meeting my friends to go to Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) meeting...
I just came from Happy Pulse Hour, which is a place for all deaf students to social and get involved in deaf clubs every two weeks.
Today, I had one course...how sweet is that?! Plus, I have one course on Thursdays as well!
Hahaha, today, I went to Spanish course and I love that course!
Since I already knew some of Spanish words, I was able to talk with my friends who sit next to me about Spanish stuff...
I was shocked to find that some of Spanish students don't know "thank you" in Spanish!!!
FYI, when I'm speaking of Spanish course, it's all deaf students classroom with a teacher who knows sign language.
After Spanish class, I went to SDC, Student Development Common, to eat lunch...
and then I went to HDC (Hispanic Deaf Club) to get stuff to set up on the tables for Happy Pulse Hour...
I wish I took picture of what it looked today...
I think my table was pretty popular because we created paper flowers in Mexican style...and welcome anyone at that place to create by themselves with some help...
By end of the Happy Pulse Hour, I see most of girls and some of guys have those Mexican flowers...
it was cool...
Also, I bought Axe bodyspray and a cologne called Fierce so that they can be sprayed onto those flowers...
People like that ideas =)
So, HDC executive of boards decide to do that once a month as it is pretty popular!
Here is what our table looked like when it is set up, but it is beginning setting up though...
There are pinata parrot, Mexican soda bottle, mini-statues of parrots, and more...it's cool
What I mentioned above is similar to iApplefest on first Friday of the fall quarter...
The only difference is that iApplefest comes with more music, more people, and is outdoor. Also, it's once a year...
Hmmm...last Sunday, I went to a church called Victory and its type is Baptist...
CCC provided Church tour...I didn't do that last year, but my friends and I attended to this church called Browncroft Community Church (BCC)...
It's well known church in Rochester and it's also megachurch haha
Interperter services at BCC are excellent...
At Victory, it is not as great as BCC...
This Sunday, I will go with some of my friends to church called Father's House...and I heard lot of good stuff about that church...
So far, BCC is the best...
Oh...also, last Sunday, a day before last day to add and drop course, I dropped abnormal psychology because I don't like the professor...
I don't want to take 8am course, but I don't mind if it's 10am or afterward...
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to drop 10am abnormal psychology course to take 8am social psychology...
I looked at ratemyprofessors.com and I saw nothing negative about the teacher of social psychology...
So, I decided to replace social psychology course with abnormal psychology...
I made a good decision!
Ratemyprofessors.com help me!!! Although I don't like to get up early for morning course, I like the teacher! She's so clear and cool lady!
Oh! I am planning on leading a group called DIG, Deaf Investigate God, for the first time this Monday at 6pm...
Would you guys do me a favor? Praying for me that first DIG meeting will do great =)
Hmmmm...I think that's all...
Oh actually, a week before school started, my friend's mom took her daughter, me, and my friend out to dinner at a fancy mall called Eastview for a dinner at a Chinese restaurant called P.F. Cheng...
The reason of this is because we celebrated my friend's birthday!
It's simply delicious place to eat! It's expensive though!
here are pictures I took over there...
Okay, I think that's enough for you guys to read this post...
I gotta go anyway
I'm going to CCC meeting whooo!
Have fun!
Love you all,
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