Love is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. God is not irritable, and Love keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT)
...November ate all of my time...ya redució el tiempo de noviembre...and December is eating my time...faster...y ya redució más rápido el tiempo de diciembre...
The highlight of November was visiting my adopted family in California...lo mejor tiempo que pasé el mes anterior fue el viaje a California para visitar a mi familia adoptiva...
I also got to see my friends at Rochester Institute of Technology, from which I graduated, one more time in the beginning of December...también, vi a los amigos en Instituto Tecnología de Rochester, donde ya me graudé, en el principio de diciembre...
I gave my thanks to God for giving me time to be with my family and my friends =]...di las gracias a Dios para permitirme a pasar el tiempo con mi familia y mis amigos =]
In only four days, I will be catching a plane to Honduras...estaré en el vuelo para Honduras dentro de cuatro días...there, I will party with mi familia de mi papá for Christmas and New Year...voy a celebrar la navidad y el año nuevo con mi familia de mi papá...
When the year of 2012 finally rings...cuando viene el año de 2012...I do not exactly have any todavía supiere que plan que voy a least, at this moment......pues, no sé ahorita...
However, that's what I have learned lately...sin embargo, es que he present my request before my Everlasting Father of my desire to be led for the rest of the day, rather than for the rest of this month, even next day...que debo presentar mis deseos a Padre Eterno para llevarme todo el día, no todo el mes, aun el siguiente día...
Whatever the Lord has led me to accomplish anything for this day, my life will simply lift His name que cuando me lleva el Señor para lograr lo que necesita hacer cada día, mi vida puede alzar Su nombre más alto...because He leads me to pour out my energy, time, faith, and love in order to affect those people around me eternally...porque me hace Dios invertir mi energía, tiempo, fe, y amor para que lo que haga afectar a los que son en mi vida para siempre... todos modos...the only main concern for me is to sell my car, but He has given me two cool friends who will help me with car...que debo hacer antes de que salgo para Honduras es vender mi carro, pero ya me dió Dios los amigos cool que me ayudarán vender el carro...
I knew the Almighty Lord will provide, but I am always amazed at how perfect is His provision for my needs...ya sé que el Señor Todopoderoso puede proporcionar lo que necesito, pero siempre me asombra la provision es perfecto
"In God we trust" on a dollar does not mean nothing after all...aquí en EE.UU, en el billete, se dice "En Dios tenemos confianza"...por eso, no lo pone para nada...
I already received $150 for the support during my service of the que ya recibí $150 como donación para trabajar en Honduras y África...and there will be two more checks coming in!...y ¡Estan viniendo más cheques!
God can surpass the power of money...Dios tiene más poder que el poder del dinero...that's fo sho'!......¡Estoy seguro de esto!
That will be all...for todo...hasta luego...
Ya veremos si les gusta este blog que tiene tres lenguages - signo americano, inglés, y español
We shall see if we will like this blog that consists of three languages - American Sign Language, English, and Spanish
finally! ¡por fin! Mike Buus the director ofDOORreplied! ¡Mike Buss que el directivo de la organización DOOR contestó!
dumfounded...nos embebecemos...yes, Beth, Alissa, and I were dumbfounded...ya Beth, Alissa, y yo estabamos sin habla...
¿por qué? why? Pues, quiso Mike que yo trajera el equipo de 4 hondureños sordos a África para la formación Mike wanted me to bring a team of 4 deaf Hondurans to Africa for the training...
also, Mike wanted us to stay there for 5 years también, Mike quiso que nos quedáramos en África por 5 años
O.O ¿5 años? 0.o 5 years? o.O
God has dream, only bigger than I could ever imagine! ¡Qué sueño más grande tenga Dios!
por eso, estaré de 7 meses en Honduras para buscar cuatro hondureños cristianos sordos lideres, que podrían viajar conmigo en El Sueño Grande I will be in Honduras for 7 months looking for four Deaf Honduran Christian leaders who may join me on the journey of the Big Dream
in July, I will be going to Africa for 6-month training to be equipped facilitator of my team luego, cuando el julio viene, salgo para una formación de 6 meses en África para que este yo listo para llevar mi equipo
quiso Mike que regresara a Honduras con los lideres de DOOR para seleccionar los lideres hondureños y llevarlos a África Mike wanted me to return to Honduras with DOOR leaders to select the leaders among Hondurans and bring them to Africa
it's likely that we will start the offical training in January 2013 ^.^ es posible que comencemos la formación oficial el enero de 2013 ^.^
ya necesito vendar lo que no necesito y quiero llevar conmigo a Honduras I'm going to sell whatever I no longer need or do not want to bring it with me to Honduras
to-do list las tareas
vender el carro sell my car
sell my books vender los libros
la ropa se regalado clothes will be given away
furniture giving away as well también los muebles se regalados
iPhone 4 se vende iPhone 4 for sale
y má on...
no creo que sea tan difícil dejar lo que me gusta mucho como la ropa y la tecnología I couldn't believe how it is difficult to let things go...especially clothes and technology
I had considered about buying iPod, iPad, or a new computer...había pensado en comprar iPod, iPad, o computador portátil
Dios me recordó que el dinero no es mío...God reminded me that money is not even is His
please pray for me that I will be able to let go of things of the world to be able to serve the Lord favor de orarme que deja las cosas del mundo para servir el Señor mejor...
también, necesito el oración para la sabiduría porque hay muchas decisiones debo tomar antes de que salga de EE.UU. also, a prayer is needed because I will need wisdom in the decision-making process related to moving out
Thank you for reading and keep watching for the new post! ¡Gracias por leer y hasta luego!
It's about time that I post something on this blog =P
I wanted to share know, you might think that last blog (internship) was the last post
I actually have something of which you may not be aware...
You see, this whole thing started this past spring
At that time, I decided to give up my dream to God...
My dream was to start a ministry in Honduras for Deaf people...
I had three goals in this ministry:
1) Gospel...that is, they will understand the Gospel thoroughly and clearly...
2) Education...they will be taught how to read and write, so that they can function independently through written methods with hearing people...even read the Bible on their own...
3) Basic provide whatever they need such as food, clothing, shelter...
Those goals in my dream ministry...and I laid it before was difficult for fact, I cried...
All of a sudden, soon after returning to Florida from Honduras, I discovered that God has given me the bigger dream...
The Big Dream has six goals, which consists of the same goals I mentioned above in addition to the following:
1) Raising leaders in the Deaf equip Honduran leaders to lead deaf Hondurans
2) Residence...that is, deaf Honduran may learn academic subjects and stay eliminate the transportation...
3) Employment opportunities for Deaf enable them to earn steady salary to support themselves, this is even bigger than my original dream...I now realized the importance of surrendering your dream to God...and that you will be given the Big Dream
You may recall from previous blog regarding the ministry called Links of Hope (LoH)...I joined LoH on the trip to Honduras last July... happened that LoH has a personal contact with the directors of D.O.O.R.
Are you familiar with DOOR?
If not, then go ahead and check out the following link:
You see, the mission of this organization (you could say it's a ministry) is to establish a center that focus on Bible translation in each of the continent. The center will train Deaf people to translate the Bible into their own sign language rather than teaching them American Sign Language in order to understand the Bible.
For example, there are centers in India and Kenya, Africa. So, DOOR's mission is actually awesome.
Now, Beth, who is the founder and leader of LoH, has personal contact with DOOR directors...
DOOR directors looked for someone who was familiar with making bracelets...and LoH's mission is to train women who live in the third-world countries in making order to make an income to support their families by selling the bracelets...
It was totally the plan of see, the DOOR directors came to Beth's church to give a talk about their organization, and Beth came to listen...
There, Beth and the directors made a connection...
Beth did teach one of the directors how to make a bracelets, and the directors returned to Africa to teach Deaf African women...
These Deaf women were supposed to make 50 bracelets, which would be sent to Beth...that way, Beth will signal to them whether or not they did it correctly...before these women make 500 bracelets BY CHRISTMAS!
I think that's neat that these women are able to provide themselves some financial support
However, I don't know what's the status of this process...
Furthermore, DOOR is now looking to Latin America to launch a satellite of Bible translation...Beth was informed of this...
Beth thought of me since I am relatively fluent in ASL, English, Honduran Sign Language (Lesho), and Spanish...
I have the ability to teach and leadership skill...
Oh, and I have linguistic skill as well...
It seemed that I'm qualified enough to be trained over there in acquire of their philosophy and system of the centers...
When I become familiar with how DOOR may run, I might be able to go back to Honduras...even to a different country in Latin launch the center there...
So...this is really awesome...
Yo use, only a week ago or so...I turned in my biography and resume to Beth and then Beth completed the cover letter...
She submitted these materials in addition to a Honduran video she created and another video about me through Campus Crusade for Christ
She submitted them to the directors on the day they left for their vacation!
Fortunately, they did respond and indicated that they are quite interested in discussing this...but they need they will resume this upon arrival from the vacation
The directors even forwarded the materials, which Beth sent, to some Deaf people in Africa...and a particular Deaf person responded that she or he had goose bumps when seeing one of the videos...
That is cool!
Going to Africa wasn't part of my original dream, but is part of God's will.
In fact, I used to dream to go to Africa just to see what it was like there and to bring my influence on Deaf people over know Africa has many needs...
For me, going to Africa has twofold purpose...first, to travel and, second, to make an impact on Africans...
At this moment, I'm currently waiting to hear from the is really up to the directors regards with the length of being trained over there and date of departure...
I am really anxious to know what might happen...
God is always wonderful...I encourage you to keep pursuing seek His face...God will bless you for earnestly seeking Him...
Also, you will discover His will that match your passions for something in the life...
I wanted to tell you how I got the internship in Florida while I was in New York studying clinical psychology.
I had heard about how Walden School for the Deaf, which was located an hour outside of Boston, Massachusetts, was an excellent place to work. I was told that I will have both professional and personal growth there. I saw this as an opportunity to work there as an internship.
So, I asked a boss at that place about whether or not the position for summer internship is available, and the boss said I am able to work there. In fact, I was told that I am second in their top list for hiring. I became especially interested after the boss shared many positive things about this school.
For example, they mentioned that 90% of staff signed all the time. It was neat! Their primary focus was on deaf children and deaf adolescents with involvement of social worker, police, therapist, doctor, family, and etc. This is to ensure that their involvements in the lives of deaf children and adolescents increase the likelihood of success rate of behavior, better social skill, and consistent academic achievements. I think that is great, especially that parents of deaf children usually do not build relationship with these children.
Therefore, I was impressed with the philosophy of that school. The wage was great as well. The internship was not too far from Boston. I thought it was perfect opportunity.
Sure enough, the boss and I arranged to have an interview through videophone (VP). The boss emailed me with her availability of VP interview, and it was Tuesday that I responded with my preference to have an interview on Thursday.
When Thursday came, I was ready sitting in front of the VP and waiting to receive a call from the boss. However, she didn't call.
I decided to email her asking her whether or not we are supposed to have an interview through VP? She responded immediately, and I was surprised to learn that she hasn't received any email from me regarding VP interview appointment.
Then, I checked to see if my email was sent that day. It turned out that it was finally sent out only 2 minutes ago. I was quite puzzled by this. Because I sent it on Tuesday, email wasn't sent until only two minutes ago after speaking with the boss on Thursday.
Still, we rescheduled our VP interview. We finally had the interview.
Unfortunately, the VP wasn't exactly smooth as it should be. The videophone froze frequently. The boss told me that this is actually first time that VP froze. This made me wonder out of all people and at this time, VP happened to freeze on this very day I have the interview for internship. I began to wonder if this is related to God's will.
We kept trying to understand each other on VP, and it was quite difficult. As soon as the interview ended, I hanged up and sensed that something isn't right.
First, email wasn't sent promptly. Second, VP froze frequently. Third, I sensed something isn't right.
I decided to look for another job in case this promising job wasn't part of God's will.
I know a particular person named Alissa who lived in Florida, and she knew of a person who worked in psychology field. I was able to contact this person and asked whether or not he knows of any job related to psychology and deaf.
He then referred me to a boss of a home group for the Deaf. I asked this boss if she needs an extra staff in her group home. She was quite enthusiastic with the fact that I am interested in working with deaf clients.
I asked her if she wants to interview me, see my resume, or get my professional references? She said no and just come over here now. I was surprised.
She explained that her group home for the Deaf consists of hearing staff who know a little or none American Sign Language (ASL), which was frequent frustration for deaf clients who attempt to be heard and understood. In addition, having a deaf staff work will boost deaf clients' signs and communication skill.
I saw the need of having a deaf staff at the group home, so I understood why she wanted me to start work immediately.
I then consulted with God about which internship He wanted me to take.
Also, it was my dream to live in Florida. I eventually gave it up a long time ago. All of a sudden, I have this opportunity to live in Florida.
So, it was clearly that God's will is for me to have this internship in Florida despite of promising opportunity in Massachusetts.
Now, you know how I get this internship ^.^
It has been five weeks since I started my internship, and I now have five weeks left to go. So, I'm actually half way with my internship.
My typical internship schedule would be from 2:30pm to midnight, sometimes 12:30am. Those deaf clients attend a school that offered a program adult day training
and would get back home at 3:30pm. That's why I started working in the afternoon.
There are 4 deaf clients live here in this house, and the house is just like everyone else's house. There are office, kitchen, living, bedrooms, and bathroom.
We, staff (aka caregiver, are to encourage these clients to become independent. Some of the clients cannot be independent completely, but still others have the possibility of becoming independent. So, it is our job to change their negative behaviors (i.e., screaming, throwing things, hitting) to positive behavior that reflect appropriate adult behaviors.
Each client has his or her own behavior analyst who comes up with a plan for us, staff, to respond to either negative or positive behavior of each client in order to change their behavior into appropriate behavior.
We also help them to develop survival skill such as doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning, etc.
That's what I have been doing for past five weeks.
I have been considering about getting a permanent job upon completion of the internship. I would like some job that would challenge me constantly because I want to learn something new. Beside, such job would come with better salary.
However, this job is what God led me. I am going to talk with Him to see if I should continue with this job or look for another job as soon as I complete this internship.
One thing has touched my heart was these deaf clients. You see, when I started working with them, I just do my duty to ensure they are living just fine. I eventually grow to care about them and want to see them to thrive into successful adults.
It is pretty difficult decision since I am the only deaf staff in this home group for the Deaf, and I would like to continue encouraging these clients with their ability to communicate and to know that they can do everything just like I.
At this moment, I am torn apart between this job and new job. I am gonna talk with God to see what I can do.
Well, that's all I have to share about my internship. So, if you are curious to know more about my internship. You can go ahead and ask me.
My name is Azael. I haven't post any blog lately, and I should have done it earlier. I have several things to share such as missionary trip to Honduras, internship, and my new life here in Florida.
However, I have been busy with settling down here in Florida. For example, I bought a car, purchased an insurance for my car, planned my budget, and learned what is Florida like. I even have several doctor appointments. It was crazy to live on my own, and I made so much mistakes. From those mistakes, I have learned so much.
Anyway, I would like to share my experience with Links of Hope (LoH).
LoH is a ministry with a vision, which was established by a person named Beth, to outreach women of third-world countries by teaching them how to make bracelets with beads. That way, those women will be able to earn an income from selling those bracelets to support their own families. It is awesome because making several bracelets seem to be insignificant in this country. However, it is life-changing experience for those women.
Well, I was invited to tag along with the ministry. Actually, I want to back up a bit. You see, I visited Florida for my spring break and went to a church service in a closed theatre. It was different because the theater screen was used in the service with everyone sit in the theater seats. There, I experience powerful presence of Holy Spirit and fought with the Spirit emotionally. It was like the Spirit wanted to cause me cry, but I refused. This happened when Beth stood in the front and shared about her ministry. Beth also asked people at the service whether or not they are led or interested to join her ministry. It was odd because I already knew what was purpose of her ministry. The Spirit and I had a mild battle emotionally, and it was a while before I won the battle.
All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed intensely and ran to the bathroom. I cried in the bathroom. I could not stop crying, and I told Lord that He has my attention. I asked Him what does He want from me. He wanted me to join LoH on the next mission trip, and I told Him that I shall go as I am His servant.
For this reason, I was invited to join LoH. Now, those women who were taught to make bracelets were mother of Deaf school at a vocational school for Deaf. I was given the opportunity to teach morning devotion for the Deaf students before school begins.
It was moving experience for me. I know that I have an ability to teach and enjoy teaching. For this reason, it was perfect opportunity for me. Also, when I taught, it was awesome. You see, I did not know what to expect in teaching morning devotion because I didn't know the expectations of those Deaf students. I was uncertain on whether or not I should match their expectation. Whether or not they ought to fit my expectation. Even if I am able to go with their expectation, I still didn't know what kind of expectation they might have.
Not only that, but also sign language. You see, I was born in a town called Puerto Cortes, and signs there are not much same to signs of those Deaf students.
See the video above from 4:11 to 4:33 about the difference in sign of Heavenly Father and earthly father related to locations in Honduras.
It was truly God's miracle. I tried to figure and figure, but I eventually decided to put my trust in Him for making the morning devotion successful.
Sure enough, it was PERFECT! I didn't even plan in details! By third or fourth day, I realized that the devotion works out just finely. In my teaching of the devotion, Trinity was revealed. I shared about how God the Father created the earth, how Jesus calmed down the storm, and how Holy Spirit allowed Virgin Mary to become pregnant.
I was so thrilled at the discovery that Trinity was revealed in the devotion. I allowed Him to lead me in teaching His devotion ^.^
That's why I said it was perfect!
I actually enjoyed teaching the devotion very much. In fact, I was offered a teaching job at that school. I thought it was cool =P
I want to share this experience...
You see...when I returned to the USA from Honduras, I found a newsletter, which was sent by the very same vocational school for the Deaf, to Beth's place. That was the night where I ate dinner and spent night at Beth's place. Well, I read the newsletter and was totally blown away. There was a section about a student I knew, and this student was full of joy, didn't complain, and was amiable. I love him. His name is Jorge.
In the newsletter, it said that Jorge lives in an EMPTY one-room shack. He does not EVEN own any furniture, any extra room. It only has a stove, which is barely beyond simple. That is all! PLUS, floor of the shack is EVEN not furnished with tiles at all! It is simply dirt like earth's dirt! That's where he slept! He slept on the ground! It is not all! When it is raining, the ground will become muddy.
I was shocked, and that's when reality kicks into my perception of Hondurans' lives. I just didn't make the connection between the dots. Dot #1: beat-down shacks anywhere, which is obvious existence of poverty among Hondurans, and dot #2: Deaf students with whom I interacted for a week.
I mean, I thought those deaf students were fine and have things they need just like me. However, I realized I was wrong when reading the newsletter.
I mean...those deaf students who I learned to love deeper and deeper over 6-day period of ministry might have nothing.
Jorge who I mentioned earlier isn't just a poor boy. There is another deaf student who is the poorest in that school. Imagine what this boy might not even have what we took for granted with our basic needs that can be met daily.
It simply shattered my world. I pondered on this reality. It was hard for me to imagine that it's true. I mean those deaf students were full of joy, yet they have nothing.
Look, I have a small library right there, a luxurious bed, clothes in a closet and in a dresser, shower that is right next to my bedroom, and a laundry room. These are things I can just rent. I mean, this room is furnished with lamented wooden floor. It is beyond simple in comparison with Jorge!
It's odd because I have visited Honduras regularly. My family on my mamá's (biological mother) side has money, and my family on my papá's side seems to be a middle-class family. I think with that, it sheltered my view of the reality by thinking that everyone else in Honduras is fine just like my Honduran family.
So, I didn't make such connection. It didn't occur to me that those deaf students may be poorer than my family.
To tell you truth, America is totally pampered country. For this reason, I am quite conscious with what I purchase from any store. For example, when I returned home from Honduras, I needed a hamper. I decided to get the cheap one, so I went to Wal-Mart. There, I found the prices of hampers to be quite cheap. I was surprised by many options right front of my eyes. Those are only hampers! Still, I kept looking for the cheapest kind.
I found a large, blue polyester bag that cost me only $2. It didn't include any wheels.
Think about it...Hondurans might not even have enough clothes to fill up any hamper. Hampers weren't really needed in Honduras. Unfortunately, I needed it because, well, I have that much of clothes that can fill up the hamper quickly. So, I wanted to buy a simple hamper. It doesn't have to be plastic hamper or have wheels to make my transportation between my bedroom to a laundry room easier.
It doesn't stop there. I also am aware of how I planned my budget and spent my money. In fact, it is my plan to support some Hondurans financially after getting a paycheck from the internship.
I stumbled on a website that I can adopt a village. It is a program where I can donate money to support all deaf students from certain villages because they are in need of transportation from their villages to a school for the Deaf.
It is my desire to see that deaf students will finally have an access to education and will build network among Deaf people. Well, I already sent email regarding my desire to support this program and am currently waiting for the response.
I am excited about that because I think it's sooo cool with the name "Adopt A Village".
Well...that's all...I planned to post about my internship and my new life here in Florida...
Here is the following blog in two different languages: a YouTube video in American Sign Language and written English.
Before I start talking on and on, I want to let you know that I added two features to my blog, and you may either subscribe to my blog to your RSS site or receive email with my new post at the right of the blog site.
Hello! How are you doing?
It's hot here! Whoa!
I will be sharing four things: looking for a place to live in Florida, internship, coming here to Honduras, and then I will be going with Links of Hope (LoH) ministry team tomorrow.
So...I would say that I checked out five different places in Florida. You see, I was supposed to fly to Florida on Saturday; however, I missed the flight that day because of traffic. So, I went to Florida a day later, which was Sunday.
As soon as I landed in Florida and got my bags, Alissa Matiya helped me driving around to look at several places. Near the end of apartment/rental room search, I found one that was my top choice. I eventually made a decision to move into a rental room, and I will be living in a house with at least 5 bedrooms. There are two rental rooms, and I got to rent a room for $500. It's actually perfect because with $500, I was provided everything I need. I have access to family kitchen, living room, and laundry room. They also provided Internet access for me. In addition to that, it is actually only 10-minute driving to my internship. God is good! God is truly Provider! His provision is perfect!
I will tell you a bit about the family who live in that house. The owner of the house is a mother named Sharene, and she has a son and daughter. The son's name is Ryan, and the daughter's name is Crystina. Sharene has her mother lives with them as well, so she's basically grandmother. There are four of family members and me living in the house.
Crystina, who is the daughter, and her boyfriend were excited to learn American Sign Language. They impressed me because I was surprised that they were eager to meet me despite of my deafness. Ryan, who is the son, usually play video game all day and night in the garbage. So, I didn't get to know him much. I talked a bit with the grandmother, and she's actually kind enough to invite me over for dinner for July 4th. Grandmother made delicious dinner ^.^
When I entered the house, I saw that everything inside is decorated with African style. There are several decorative African animals and pottery blend with African-like color painting. It's quite beautiful house! Another interesting thing is that the color of the exterior house is pink.
Now, you can see how God is awesome Provider. When I was in New Jersey, I was quite concerned about whether or not I will find a place to live on time? I decided to put my faith in Him, and the result was that everything worked out! Not only that, but also Sharene was quite kind. She told me that since I will not live in the rental room much during the month of July, I don't need to start paying the rent until August and can save some money for the trip to Honduras. She said she wanted a hundred dollar as spot-secured deposit to know that I will be coming back. I did pay a hundred dollar, and it was easy! Again, this showed me that God is good! ^.^
I want to tell you something about the internship. Linda, who is the owner of the group home, overlooks Living Prosperous, Inc. I learned that Linda was actually the first person to provide group home for the Deaf clients in the state of Florida, and Living Prosperous is relative new business. In fact, I was impressed with Linda for initiating the group home because she was not quite familiar with Deaf culture, Deaf community, or even American Sign Language (ASL).
We had communicated through email, and then some woman sent me email from Prosperous Living Inc. Her name is Michaela, and I assumed that she was a middle-aged woman with some of kids. We also had communicated through email. Then, we finally arranged to meet, she came over since I didn't own a car.
So, she drove to where I was provided a place to sleep for a few nights before moving out to the renal room. As I opened the door to greet Michaela, I was shocked to see that she was much younger than I expected. So, I asked her how old she is, and she told me she's 18. I was like oh? She's 18 and I'm 22.
I found out that her positive is sort of manager of the group home. Later, I got to meet Shannon, who is Michaela's mother, at Starbucks just to drink and discuss any matter related to the home group. I also later found out that Linda is actually Michaela's grandmother. I realized that the group home for the Deaf is actually family-owned business. Isn't it interesting? Michaela is relative fluent in ASL, and Shannon is able to pick up signs pretty well, and Linda is currently learning ASL. It's rare to see a hearing family who actually knows ASL!
There is another evidence of why God is good. You see, Prosperous Living Inc. was established not too long ago, and I happened to need an internship. God led me to find an internship in Florida. God has a perfect timing for everything!
Let me see...what do I have next to share...?? Hmmm...ah yes...
Let's talk about Links of Hope. I will be starting the journey with Links of Hope tomorrow. Oh wait wait...I want to rewind...I want to share about Honduras first!
I came here to Honduras to visit mi familia for 10 days. I actually enjoy being here in Honduras, and there are two things I have enjoyed the most. One was Honduran plates because it is homemade food. I am fond of Honduran noontime meal because it's actually the most important meal of the day here in Honduras. Therefore, lunch meal was prepared with "love labor", you know? Honduran plates are unique, just different from American food. Besides, it's healthier simply because it is homemade.
Two was spend time talking with mi familia. I love to talk with my hermanos (Spanish for "siblings") and mamá. We actually communicate in Spanish using a notepad and a pen. I especially like to talk with my hermano (brother) because he often took time to talk with me. Sometimes, my hermanita (younger sister) still didn't finish her college courses, and my mom was doing errands. It would be just us for lunchtime. We talked and eat lunch together. That was my favorite part being with him.
Oh, you may click the following link to check out the pictures, which I uploaded through Facebook. Those pictures were taken at a place where there were large pools that were spring-fed. My tío (uncle), mi familia, and I drove two hours to that place and swam there. It was worth the 2-hour driving because it was fun! Afterward, we went to see waterfall. I was surprised to find that there is a waterfall here in Honduras! It was neat to see waterfall =)
So, you can click the following link to check out the pictures:
Tomorrow in the morning, I will be going to San Pedro Sula (SPS), which is a large industrial city, from here in small town. It will be an hour driving to SPS. I think we will first eat lunch with la familia and possibly my friends and then I will meet the ministry team. I believe there are 7 members of that team. I am excited about that. I think I will be meeting them at 2pm or 1:30pm...just after lunchtime. LoH team and I will be riding on the bus to the capital city named Tegucigalpa.
We will be at Tegucigalpa at nighttime. For the rest of the following week, we will be meeting deaf students. We will also work and encourage those deaf students. I'm excited to see how God will work through the ministry team to impact them. It is my hope to show them our love and to help them understand the Gospel. Hopefully, some of them will be saved. However, may the will be done in God's Hands. I'm excited about how God will use me to make difference in those deaf students, and God might use the students to change me as well.
I'm ready to serve deaf Honduras while giving my heart wholly to God.
I will share in the next video about how God work through me, how does the dynamic of the ministry appear, who are these members of the ministry team, and I might take a picture of the ministry team. I'm excited about that.
Now, you know what's up with my life. Have a good day...or night...see you later!
I decided to film myself signing my overall experience at Wildwood because American Sign Language (ASL) is my first language. I want to be able to express my experience in my native language. Also, I translated ASL into English for those who are not familiar with ASL.
Just so that you know that I filmed myself without much edit and typed English with little thought about grammar.
You may view the following video or read English written blog just below the video.
Hello, my name is Azael, and you may call me Auzy if you wish.
Well, I am going to share my experience about Wildwood Summer Project (WWSP). First, I will explain what is summer project, which is sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ (C3). C3 organization can be found in various colleges here in America with their mission of equipping college students. That way, college students will be capable of leading Bible study, reaching to those who do not know the Gospel, and encouraging other students to have personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thus, the mission of C3 focuses on American college students.
Anyway, C3 has a program called summer project all over the world, including South America, East Asia, Europe, and America. God led me to apply to Wildwood, which is located in south of New Jersey.
Now, I will share three main patterns in my experience of WWSP.
The first will be Gospel. Gospel means Good News. That is, it is all about Jesus who was sent to the earth cleansed our sins with His precious holy blood to reconcile us to our God the Father.
I learned see, I was a staff-student and in staff training before the arrival of the students for WWSP.
Okay, this is off-topic for a moment, I am currently here in Honduras, Central America visiting my family and then join a ministry team at a vocational school for the Deaf in Tegucigalpa (the capital city of Honduras). So, I am currently in Honduras, and I was in Florida for a short time. Before moving to Florida, I was in New Jersey. Just so that you know where in the time I am at this moment.
During the staff training, I learned that Gospel is not only for those who do not know God personally, but also for those who have relationship with God. These believers are to continue to grow through the Gospel. I saw that Gospel can be used to draw unbelievers into having relationship with Jesus Christ and can be also used for personal growth in faith. The Gospel will reveal that I am broken, horrible, sinful and that I am in need of His help.
So, it's a good reminder for me to know that not only unbelievers need Jesus Christ, but believers need Jesus in their lives daily. Moreover, the Gospel has grace, and grace allows me to fail. Yes, you understand what I just said. Grace allows me to fail. God knows that we are humans, which it's inevitable to fail. We fall short of perfection.
The Jesus is the only perfectionist in the world. He was born under the law and was able to follow God's Laws. We are not capable of following all of the laws. Jesus did not, not even one second, turn right or left from the law. For this reason, Jesus is the righteous man. What's more is that Jesus loves us so much that He is willing to die for our sins. Imagine this: Jesus exchange for His most holy robe that is as white as snow for our robes that contained of holes and dirt. Our robes are basically like a large rag.
If we humble ourselves and give our sins to Jesus who will freely accept it, we will be given the holy robe. We will be clothe in Jesus' righteousness; therefore, we will shine. For this reason, God will see us as the righteous people.
**you may see my odd gesture to signal that I don't know to communicate with my mamá (mother in Spanish to indicate that she is my biological mother) that I don't know where is her cell phone**
I was interrupted. Anyway, I am clothed with Jesus' righteousness. God will always see me as the righteous man despite of mistakes I may make in the future. He knows that I desire to be like His Beloved Son, so He allow me to make mistakes in order to grow in faith. This is important message for me. It's a good reminder.
Now, the second would be about masculinity. I wish there is a sign for masculinity. Anyway, one significant lesson for me regarding the masculinity is its definition in relation with any women (girlfriend, mother, sisters, sisters in Christ, female non-believers). It is my responsible as a man to protect, lead, and provide for these women. For example, I am to protect a woman by setting limit on how much I share about myself with this woman. That way, I will not allow the woman to become connected to me emotionally; otherwise, the woman who become emotional connected to me may be hurt because she discovered that I do not intend to initiate a romantic relationship with her. I am to protect my heart and her heart to maintain healthy relationship between the woman and I.
I am also to provide for a woman. For example, this woman may have needs that I can meet, seek advice, or is stuck in a situation from which I can get her out.
Now, about lead as my responsibility, I need to be initiative, and women's role is to support whatever I am initiating. For example, I can lead a group by starting with a prayer, and women agree with my initiative action. Men's role is to be a leader.
Again, the significant lesson regarding masculinity is at the heart of mature masculinity is a sense of benevolent responsibility to lead, protect, and provide for women in ways appropriate to a man's differing relationships.
Finally, the next thing I will be sharing is community. I came to see that community is actually important. It's funny because God taught me the importance of having personal relationships with individuals. God is now teaching me the importance of, what it seems to be broader level in terms of relationship, community. You see, last summer, I went to Wildwood Summer Project as a student. Now, I returned to WWSP as a staff-intern, and I thought I already know what I had learned from last summer. However, I discovered that there was actually more to learn.
I'm grateful for His leading through my life in His gentleness and love. I now understand that community is important because it is composed of many personal relationships that are connected to each other. Community is also important because the community already accept who I am no matter how awful my past was or how many I may make mistakes in the future. The community will mirror me to show my mistakes in order to encourage me to become a better person. Therefore, community can be your accountability.
God has a perfect timing because I learned the importance of community before moving to Florida. There in Florida, I will be starting a new life probably for a while. I will build a new whole community in Clearwater, Florida, especially with deaf people. I have heard that Deaf community is large in Clearwater, Florida. I may be able to build a community of hearing people as well.
Besides, I will be going on a mission trip in Honduras with those who are from a church in Florida. Since I'm here in Honduras, I will meet the ministry team and then go to Tegucigalpa to minister deaf students at a vocational school. While I will be on the mission trip, I ought to make effort to get to know each of the team members to have a good community in Honduras.
Actually, I want to share briefly about comforting verses.
You see, as time to leave New Jersey approached faster and faster, I was worried about purchasing a used car, finding a place to live, and planning Honduran trip with only 4-day period of settling down in Florida.
I was usually not becoming stressed quite easily. However, in this situation, I became stressed quickly and was a bit more stressed than usual. Fortunately, God has shown me the verse, which is Genesis 18:14. It said "Is anything too hard for the Lord?".
You may obviously answer, "No!" to the question. You may want to ask the very question when you are in situation where it is beyond your fathom of the definition of impossible. In this case, it forced me to turn to God for His provision, power, wisdom, and more.
So yahh.
Also, I want to share another comforting verse, which is Exodus 1:12. It said "But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites multiplied and spread, and the more alarmed the Egyptians became"
It's good reminder for me to know that although I was in such situation where I felt like I was oppressed as I tried to plan things in advance. I wanted to give up and see how things will work out by themselves. However, God showed me that I need to learn to put my trust in His capability to make everything work out to benefit me. That is, to put me in such difficult trail where I need to turn to Him and focus on Him as I get through the trails. I realized that the outcome of getting through the trails produce stronger faith, which may prepare me for the future much more difficult trails. that's three main things of my experience at Wildwood Summer Project in addition to my encounter with comforting verses, which God showed me.
I was supposed to share significant events at Wildwood Summer Project weekly, but then I became quite busy with the job of staff-intern. I was also busy with other things.
There you go. You now know what's my overall experience at Wildwood Summer Project.
If you wish to contact me, go ahead and contact me =)
Before I go, I want you to keep pursuing God's heart because He will provide true peace, love, and joy. Everything you imagine will be surpassed by God's blessings for your life.
I went to The Lighthouse Church, which will be my church for this month. Upon my arrival there, several good memories were brought back to my mind. It was the place where I met deaf elders, where my root of faith in Christ grew stronger, where I felt God's presence, and where God used me to turn some Christians' world upside.
Jenna, who is my interpreter, and I asked deaf people whether or not they want to meet before the church service just to hang out. Unfortunately, I will only attend to this church three times before leaving for Florida, and I cannot make to their Deaf Bible Study on Wednesday nights. So, I offered to serve them breakfast just to sit down and talk. It is my desire to build relationship with them and encourage them to keep focusing on Jesus Christ.
Later in the afternoon, some of staff and I went to beach to play soccer. An Egyptian guy and his New Jersey friend just came to us and joined us. I saw how soccer drew international students, especially that soccer is everywhere around the world. God is amazing because Wildwood Summer Project has been here since 1974, and Wildwood is filled with students from Malaysia, Ukraine, Russia, China, Egypt, and several other countries.
So, it was perfect opportunity for college students to learn how to share the Gospel with these international students. I said it was perfect because these students may have never heard of the Good News. If they are interested or put their faith in Jesus Christ, they will be able to bring the message of reconciliation to their home countries! It's like Acts in the Bible!
I ended my day by jumping into the ocean! ^.^
Monday, day 2 - Memorial Day
Boaz and Colin, who were my roommates from last summer, and I went to the project house to pray as we walked through rooms.
Boaz, Colin, and I prayed especially for male students to experience intimate relationships with other males, to learn how to give and receive truth and grace within the community, to become the leaders for the future in God's Kingdom, to treasure Jesus more and more
All of us prayed that those students to experience 10 times better than what we experienced last summer ^.^
We then returned to an apartment for staff meeting, and we had a guest speaker
Pastor Jeff was our guest speaker, and I found myself learning more and more about grace and truth.
I learned the importance of grace and truth last summer, but I didn't actually apply to my life. I still need to learn how to apply to my live because Jesus was capable of giving truth and grace at the same time.
From the message of the pastor Jeff, Psalm 27, rock, we fail, we finite, but God is infinite...and rock is we won't fall or be blown away...
It was time for sharing, and I learned that there is a new tool that we can use to share the Good News, which is called Perspective cards
I became excited when seeing the cards because it may be useful tool to use in any Deaf community, especially that it's visual. Check it out for more details by clicking the link above.
Some of you guys may know that I'm gonna be in Florida for a while after the project. I will be doing an internship there for 10 weeks, and then I may be able to find a permanent job there.So, I believe that Deaf community is pretty unique there because Deaf community grew large all of a sudden. You see, there is a headquarter, which is run by and for Deaf people, and many Deaf employees are hired to work there. Besides, don't you think God allowed the Deaf community to grow and now have me an internship nearby the community at such time?
Tuesday, day 3
We, staff, met to do spring cleaning once again because we had little makeover inside home the other day. Now, we focused on cleaning outside of the project house. This was the opportunity to show our love to the students by preparing the place for them to enjoy summer weather in the backyard and driveway (there are four outdoor showers!). Here are the proof of our spring cleaning:
John and Mina washed trash cans and then they clear dirty off the driveway.
I also want to show you that Campus Crusade of Christ values family by encouraging married couple to minister together, hence the kids on the summer project!
Wednesday, day 4 - students' arrival!
The day before, I decided to sign up for registration table for two main reasons:
it seemed to be easy task
it was probably a great way to meet students
I happened to sit next to my roommate Tyler Pickett, who was also a student of WWSP last summer, at the registration table, and he gave me the brilliant idea!
His brilliant idea: forced students to learn signs before signing out with keys, shirts, bags, and parking pass
So, I figured that if I teach every student the phrase "how do you sign..." in ASL, and most of them will be able to pick up some signs by the end of this month! I also decided to teach them a random sign (e.g., Jesus, summer, ice cream)
I enjoyed interacting with them, as they had never met a deaf person, and I received mixed responses from them. Some of them were quite nervous, some of them were amiable, some of them showed off some of their sign ability, and some of them were shy.
By the end of the day, not only the students arrived with excitement for the plan God has stored for them, but also was probably dumbfounded at interaction with me and a deaf student named Kinna.
Kinna is a female student who is currently a student at Galladuet University, the only deaf university in the world in Washington D.C.
Thursday, day 5 - an epiphany
All of us, staff and students, went to Robin's backyard, who knew the director of WWSP, because she allowed us to enjoy her amazing backyard! She has beach at the lake! She also has volleyball, sail boat, three hammocks, outdoor bathroom, basketball, etc!!!
Well, I saw Kinna attempted to interact with other hearing students, and all of a sudden, the thought popped, "Wow...Kinna is crazy for coming to this project as the only deaf student! Why would she even want to come when she knew she would be the only deaf student??"
I was like wait a minute...I was in her shoes only last summer! I finally understood why hearing students and staffs were often amazed at my courage to come to the project last summer. They were inspired by my faith because I desire to obey God.
Alas, I was amazed by faith Kinna has to come to the project! ^.^
Friday, day 6
Colin, who was my roommate last summer and is now staff, and I decided to cook delicious breakfast (pancakes, turkey bacon, and scrambled eggs) for our team.
Brief information about the students in the team:
Brad: he attends a university in Indiana just like Colin, he's 21, and he hope to be a doctor.
Joe: he attends Boston University, he's 23, he's in ROTC, and he hope to be a lawyer.
Jeff: he's a younger brother of Joe, attends University of Massachusetts, he is an athletic.
I was quite nervous about whether or not the students will be comfortable with me being a deaf leader and like me as a person. It turned out that I actually enjoyed hanging out with these students!
In fact, Jeff approached me and told me he wants to learn signs. Jeff is a tall, muscular guy, and he totally has a big heart. He also like to play with kids, which is awesome!
Joe is a funny and smart guy, and he is outspoken. He's a natural leader as well.
Brad is quiet yet a thinker. He is diligent in learning signs and holds himself high to God's moral standard.
I will try to get a picture of my team in the next two post haha
Saturday, day 7
All of us, male staff and students, went to a park, and that's when I realized that I will participate in sports. I began to freak out a bit and turn to God for the strength.
I know I am not the best player, and it is not something that I devoted to my ability in the field during my childhood. However, I saw men's time as the opportunity to be affirmed for my sense of manhood by these men and to become dependent on Jesus.
In the end, I enjoyed playing in the game without fear of failure because I know Jesus was proud of me, as I learned how to play basketball and ultimate frisbee ^.^
FYI, I have fundraised $935, which means I am still in need of $415. God provided me about $3,000 last summer for this project; therefore, I put my faith in His provision for this summer! ^.^
I'm not sure how I should blog about WWSP weekly, but I decided to share highlights in each day weekly. So, your feedback on how I blog would be appreciated! ^.^
Monday, Day 1
The day after I graduated, Boaz, who was my roommate last summer during WWSP, and I joined Mercy, who is my friend from RIT, on the road trip to her hometown, which is only an hour from Wildwood, for 6 hours
It's about time! Leaving Rochester is not the end of the chapter of my fourth year at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) because I am still with college students in New Jersey and need to complete an internship in Florida. It is just a few chunky paragraphs about how God used me here in Wildwood before He will turn the next blank page to begin new chapter.
Arriving at the project house, I was greeted by Dave, who is the director of the WWSP, and told that I will stay in a little blue house for next 6 weeks ^.^
Tuesday, Day 2
At the first staff meeting, we had discussions, including the theme. The theme for this summer is the same as last summer, and it's "treasuring Jesus, making Him known". It's the theme that help us focus on the work of God here in Wildwood because we all need to experience intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. That way, we can pour out His love, which we received through relationship, onto people in Wildwood through our thoughts, words, and actions.
Jenna, who interpreted for me last summer and is interpreting for me once again this summer, and I decided to meet Joe for a while
Here is the story about Joe:
Joe grew up here in New Jersey, and he finally came to know Jesus in American Sign Language only last summer. He had been attending church for his whole life, but never got the chance to know God personally. I understood his situation, and Jenna and I seize the opportunity to explain the Gospel. He desired to live with God forever, and we had him pray asking Jesus to enter his heart. From the moment on, Jenna and I have been studying the book of John in the Bible to this day. I saw his growth in God's love, and it was exciting! ^.^ Here is the picture of Jenna and I baptized Joe in the pool in his backyard last summer
At the end of the day, I joined Boaz and Tyler, who are my roommates in the staff project house, to the beach. Boaz and I jumped into the ocean! Water is not too cold, so it's not bad for the beginning of the summer!
Wednesday, Day 3
At the staff meeting, we had devotional time together, and Dave used the article called The Music of the Gospel.
Dave said we were taught that the Bible was "written by God to me about me", but we can look at the Bible as it "was written by God for us about Jesus Christ". That's new perception!
The article encouraged us to ask the following questions:
“What is the sin beneath the sin?”
"What does this reveal about my brokenness that requires the work of Christ?"
“How does this passage point me to Christ?”
I wanted to share my devotional time using the questions, and it actually opened my eyes. You see, I was reading 2 Kings 4:8-37, and saw my brokenness in this woman. I often held my expectation so high and ended up being disappointed and hurt. So, I protected myself by withdrawing myself from people to whom I am drawn or running away from people who make any promise. I don't want to become closer with people and then build up wrong expectation from them. I do not want to hold on their words and then hold grudge against them for not keeping their words. That answer the second question. The answer to the first question is lack of trust in God because He placed people into my life to be my friends. However, I often push them away. I began to see that friends are gifts from God, so I am learning to appreciate friends. So, third question led me to seeing the need of Christ because He sent the Holy Spirit to lead me to right persons to form healthy, intimate friendships.
If you read the Bible regularly, I encourage you to read the article and apply the questions to your reading ^.^
Thursday, Day 4
Window to Soul meeting, and it began at 12:30pm and ended at 6pm!
Window to Soul is the time where all of staffs got the opportunity to share their lives from the time they were born to this today, what they have learned from God, certain facts about themselves, and how they feel at the moment in regards with being here in Wildwood for the summer project.
I was amazed to see how I can related to some staff with certain struggle, perception, and habits. It's awesome to know staff personally =)
Just FYI that it's the possibility that I'm going to lead a group of a few male students, and what's more is that they are hearing students. So, it will be interesting to see the dynamic between the students and I for a month, especially that it may be their first encounter with a deaf person ^.^
Friday, Day 5
There is a married couple with an infant who lives upstairs in the little blue house invited us for breakfast. You see, they are staff on WWSP as well. It was probably the best breakfast of the week! ^.^ They served turkey bacons, whole wheat pancakes, fruit salad, and scrambled eggs! The couple wanted to get to know each of us personally, and it was awesome
We, staff, prepared home for the students by doing "spring cleaning". I joined the team with painting job, and it was pretty fun. I did painting and spackle ^.^
There were several teams who did deep-cleaning around the bedrooms in the project house, set up computers, organized files & folders, pulled weed and planted flowers in the front yard, raked in the backyard, and many more! See the lobby below, where I helped painting! We ended up cleaning and preparing home for the students for 9 hours! It was the opportunity for us to show our love for these students
Saturday, Day 6
We once again had devotional time during the staff meeting with an article called The 5 Things on Campus.
The article helped me to realize the importance of community within the mission team. Because the team is united through the faith in Jesus Christ, passion, which is instilled by the Father, the power of Holy Spirit to serve, we are given the freedom to give and receive truth and grace to each other.
That is, we, brothers and sisters in Christ, should not thrive to be perfectionsts in order to get approval from God, but to do our part with another part from God. It is inevitable that we, humans, will fail one another; therefore, we are urged to show grace to others. That way, we will grow without fear of failure. That's deep, right?!
Colin, who is going to my co-leader for a team of three students, and I were given information about each student in the team. We learned about those students and contacted them to see if they are ready to come to Wildwood. Two students are from Massachusetts, and a student is from Indiana. I'm excited to be their leaders for this summer!
FYI, I now have about $640 left to cover the expense of lodging and training materials. Your financial support and prayer will be appreciated greatly!
You may see the older posts...I realized that those posts had no point...I was just babbling about my life...because well I had no life...
Well...after a while, Jesus taught me how to life my life, so I finally have life...literally! Haha
I gave credit to Jenna for the brilliant idea of keep updating those who want to know what's up with my, I'm now excited to use this blog site to prove that God does not work in vain! ^.^
I'm gonna start working as an intern staff at Wildwood in New Jersey on May 23rd, which is T-H-I-S Monday...crazy!!
I cannot believe that I'm gonna leave Rochester for good...but I'm so excited to run on the beach...and thanking God for everything at the same time! ^.^
I remember last summer at the end of Wildwood Summer Project (WWSP), someone once said ya be staff for WWSP this upcoming summer, right?
I laughed and laughed! Guess what was the response of that person...??
That I'm like Sarah, the wife of Abraham! I found it to be I am...about to be an intern staff for WWSP...
So here we go...
But...first I gotta complete the very last assignment as an undergraduate student...which is basically like a thesis and due this Wednesday...ahhh!!!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus...Philippians 4:6-7 keep yourself at the edge of a chair waiting for the subject line of an email that may contain of "WWSP week 1"...